Twins the hard way

Twins the hard way

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


     We did not believe the pregnancy test. I took two more two make sure I wasn't reading it wrong. All three were positive. I scheduled my appointment the next day, for a month out.
     We did not tell a soul. Well, almost. As I was scheduling my first appointment( I saw a doctor, not located in the office that I worked at because it seemed too weird to have someone I work with everyday see me naked.)  a co-working approached me right as I was saying "This appointment is because I'm pregnant." So, she knew. No one else did. And it was hard keeping it a secret. We didn't want to tell anyone until we heard that heartbeat and knew for sure it was a keeper.
     Finally, the day came. We saw a tiny little bean, and a tiny little heartbeat. It was real. We were going to have a baby. We immediately told our families. My mother-in-law was so excited she hopped up and down!
     I have to admit, a huge bonus for working at the OB/GYN office, was the ultra sound technician who worked there. I had no qualms about her letting me have ultra sounds. We even able to find out a month early that we were having a boy!

     Being pregnant wasn't too bad. I had waited my whole life for this so I was going to take it all in. That boy was so squirmy in there from the get go. He was always moving. Sometimes I swear he was trying to escape threw my belly. Maybe he was just doing handstands. Who knows. It was crazy. But we were so excited to meet our little guy.
     Towards the end, like any expectant mother in her last month, I was doing my best to get that baby out of me. Every day it seemed we were trying something. We walked around a lot. But he wasn't ready. At my 39 week appointment my doctor checked me and told me the baby was breach...again. He had been flip flopping my entire pregnancy. Since I was only a week away from my due date, I had two options: #1 I could schedule a c-section for the next day or #2 I could go straight to the hospital where my doc would that baby around and start an induction.
Well, there was no way in hell I was going to have a c-section. I'll take the induction, thank you.
I called J and off we were to have our baby.

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