Twins the hard way

Twins the hard way

Friday, September 14, 2012

Baby Girl

     Six weeks before my due date I was sent to the hospital for pre-term labor. After they finally stopped my contractions I was put on bed rest. Lucky for me, I only had to be on bed rest for two weeks. The nurse at the hospital told me that if I came in at 36 weeks in labor they wouldn't do anything to stop it. So for two weeks either my mom or J's mom was at my house to help with Baby J while J was at work.
      Two weeks after bed rest ended I awoke having contractions. This was no surprise, it had been happening for weeks. My mom came over to help with Baby J and did not like how frequent my contractions were. I called J and told him we should probably go to the hospital. Luckily he worked close to the house. 
We got to the hospital and were happy to find that I was truly in labor and progressing fast. At 5:59pm I was ably to have a successful V-BAC and brought our daughter Z into the world.