Twins the hard way

Twins the hard way

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Baby is Born

      J and I arrived at the hospital about 3pm. Two hours later my doctor arrived and succesfully turned the baby around. Three hours after that he broke my water and my induction was on it's way.

      When I had arrived at the hospital I was already at 4cm and 100% effaced. I figured once my water was broken it wouldn't take much time at all. I was wrong. We waited. And waited. Finally at about 9:00 the next morning, the nurse came in to check me. 10cm! Woo Hoo! I pushed a couple times and then my doctor came in to check on me (Lucky for us it was his surgery day so he was going to be around.). He checked me and discovered that I was not fully dialated and the baby's head was coming brow first. He told me he could try to move the baby's head with forcepts but he thought it would be safer if we did a c-section. I relunctantly agreed. 
       As soon as my doctor left to find a plce for me in the schedule, I cried. I was so upset by the whole situation. I wasn't going to be able to push out my own baby. I felt like a failure. I was going to have to have sugery. I was so scared.
     J made the call to the family's. There was no way I was going to able to talk to any one with out weaping.
     They came to get us about 1pm. J had to wait in the hall while they prepped me for surgery. I had already gotten an eppidural the night before so they had to move me onto the operating table. By this time, I was pretty out of it. I hadn't eaten in 23 hours. I had barely slept in that time. I was very emotional. They started the surgery and I kept saying "Where's my husband? Is he still in the hall?" Then I finally heard him whisper in my ear ear "I'm right here." That helped calm me.
     About halfway through the insinsion, my epidural started wearing off. I could feel them cutting into me. The enethesiologist did his best but it was too late. I felt the entire sugery.
     Finally I heard the tiny cries of a baby. My baby.
     The doctor brought him over so we could see him. All I could see was a blob of purple. They took him away to clean him off and wrap him and my eyes shut. I could not open them. I could not move. I felt them staple the incision shut.
     They wheeled me back to my room. They let me sip water and Istarted feeling better. Then, they brought in my baby and asked if I wanted to hold him. Ummm... Yeah!
      I finally got to hold my baby. The cutet baby in history looked up at me. 
Baby J.
7 lb 8 oz
20-1/2 inches

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