Twins the hard way

Twins the hard way

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Moab + 2

     Anyone who knows my husband knows how much he loves Moab. He hasn't been able to go as much as he's wanted to since Baby J has been born and he had been missing it. I received a phone call from J about 11 am one Thursday asking if I'd go to Moab if his parents came along and we had a hotel room. So I agreed.
    4:30 Saturday morning, we packed up both babies and our bags and headed down. The kids slept pretty much the whole way there. We stopped halfway for diaper changes snacks and stretching.
Once we arrived, it was more diaper changing and transferring babies over to Grandpa's truck. J took his dad and headed off to a trail, while his mom helped me with the kids.
First we went to the park. Grandma pushed Baby J on the swings while I fed Baby Z.
He LOVED the swings!

    Then we had some lunch. After which the kids were tired and cranky. Check in wasn't until four. We drove around for a little while so they would be air conditioned and hopefully sleep a bit. At 1:00 We went to the hotel just to see if they would have mercy on us. They said we could relax in the lobby and they would make sure our rooms would be ready in half an hour.

    They were true to their word. By 3:00 we had clean diapers, showered momma, and three sleeping family members. Grandma stayed awake, in case a baby woke up, so she could take care of him/her and let me sleep. What a nice mother-in-law I have! :) I sent her to her room at 4:00 (check in), so she could sleep. Her room was right next door, so if I needed her I'd knock.

    The kids slept up until J and Grandpa arrived, around 6:00. Then Grandma and Grandpa volunteered to watch the kids so J and I could go to dinner.

    Sunday morning the men got up early and headed to the trail.

    The hotel provided a full breakfast, so Grandma and I took the kids. It was good! Even Baby J liked it!

    We then packed up again and checked out of the hotel. We took the kids for a walk down one of the trails and figured that the guys should be finishing up in about an hour. So we went for a scenic drive and then drove to the trail head. As Grandma fed Baby J his lunch and I fed Baby Z, we could J's Jeep going down an obstacle on his way back down. J arrived back at the trail head and Baby J was so happy to see his daddy!

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